lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

Los rostros de la juventud perdida / The faces of lost youth por Lewis W. Hine

Mayo de 1910. "Frank F. Gibson, 14 años. Mensajero número 7 de Western Union. Un año de servicio. Visita casas de prostitución. Guia a los soldados al distrito segregado. Fuma. Todavía esta en la escuela y trabaja de 8:30 p.m a 12:30 a.m."
May 1910. "Frank F. Gibson, 14 years of age. Western Union Telegraph messenger No. 7. One year in service. Visits houses of prostitution. Guides soldiers to segregated district. Smokes. Still at school and works from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m."
Mayo de 1910. "Barney Goldstein 10 años vende periódicos desde hace 1. Ingreso promedio 50 centavos por semana. No fuma pero va a los salones. Trabaja 5 horas diarias."

May 1910."Barney Goldstein 10 years old, selling newspapers 1 year. Average earnings 50 cents per week. Don’t smoke but visits saloons. Works five hours per day."

Mayo de 1910 "William Gross canillita de 15 años, vende papeles desde hace 5. Ingreso promedio 50 centavos por semana. Padre carpintero gana 18 a la semana. William vende periódicos por elección propia  para ir a la muestra de imagens en movimiento. Visita salones, fuma a veces. El 25 de mayo William le entregó al investigador una lista de casas de prostitución escritas por su propia mano.

May 1910. "William Gross, newsboy, 15 years of age. Selling papers 5 years. Average earnings 50 cents per week. Father, carpenter, $18 week. Selling newspapers own choice, to get money to go to moving picture shows. Visits saloons. Smokes sometimes. On May 25 William gave to investigator a list of houses of prostitution written in his own handwriting.

Rhea Quintin, junio de 1916 Fall River Massachusetts.  El trabajo que ella realiza requiere mucha aplicación mental y presición y lo hace por 10 horas diarias.
Eugene Dalton, November 1913, Fort Worth, Texas. Some results of
messenger and newsboy work. For nine years this 16-year-old boy has
been newsboy and messenger for drug stores and telegraph companies.
He was recently brought before the Judge of the Juvenile Court for
incorrigibility at home. Is now out on parole, and was working again
for drug company when he got a job carrying grips in the Union
Depot. He is on the job from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. (17 hours a day) for
seven days in the week. His mother and the judge think he uses
cocaine, and yet they let him put in these long hours every day. He
told me "There ain't a house in 'The Acre' (red-light district) that
I ain't been in. At the drug store, all my deliveries were down
there." Says he makes $15 to $18 a week.
Octubre de 1911. Lowell, Massachusetts. Joseph Philip pin boy (ql que acomoda los pinos del bowling) en los Miserables Bowling Alley, dice que tiene 11 años y trabaja cada día hasta la medianoche. Dice que hizo 2.23 la ultima semana y 1.76 la semana anterior.
October 1911. Lowell, Massachusetts. "Joseph Philip, 5 Wall Street, pin boy in Les Miserables Bowling Alley, said 11 years old and worked until midnight every night. Said he made $2.25 last week and $1.76 the week before."

De junio de 1916. Fall River, Massachusetts. Oscar Reynolds, 47 Benjamin Street. Quince años de edad. Barredo en el molino. Dos años en Osborne. Trabaja horas extra casi cada semana. No me gusta el molino. Han sido dos años de barredor y uno de los hombros lo tiene caido.
  June 18, 1916. Fall River, Massachusetts. Oscar Reynolds, 47 Benjamin Street. Fifteen years old. Sweeper in the mill. Two years in Osborne.Works overtime nearly every week. Does not like the mill. Has been sweeper two years and one shoulder droops.
Agosto de 1912 Somerville, Massachusetts. Annie Fedele trabaja a destajo para fabricantes de prendas de vestir. Hace crochet por mas de 10 horas al día todos los días.

Donald "Happy" Mallick, 9 años, ha estado vendiendo periódicos 5 años. Su padre, conductor, gana $20 semanales. Es un niño  muy imaginativo y cuando lo vi por última vez tenía un cuchillo oxidado de 5 pulgadas que dijo haberlo encontrado y estaba jugando con él en la alcantarilla. Fotografía de Lewis W Hine, mayo de 1910.

Donald "Happy" Mallick, 9 years of age, has been selling newspapers 5 years. His father, a rivet driver, earns $20 weekly. Boy very imaginative, and when last seen had a rusty 5 inch knife which he said he found and was playing with the same in gutter. Photo by Lewis W. Hine, May 1910.

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