París, primavera de 1937: Pablo Picasso despierta y lee.
el diario mientras desayuna, en su taller.
café se le enfría en la taza.
aviación alemana ha arrasado la ciudad de Guernica. Durante tres horas, los
aviones nazis han perseguido y ametrallado al gentío que huía de la ciudad en
general Franco asegura que Guernica ha sido incendiada por dinamiteros
asturianos y pirómanos vascos enrolados en las filas comunistas.
años después, en Madrid, Wolfram von Richthofen, comandante de las tropas
alemanas en España, acompaña a Franco en el palco de la victoria: matando
españoles, Hitler ha ensayado su próxima guerra mundial.
Muchos años después, en Nueva York, Colin Powell
pronuncia un discurso, en las Naciones Unidas, anunciando la inminente
aniquilación de Irak.
Mientras él habla, el fondo de la sala no se ve, Guernica
no se ve. La reproducción del cuadro de Picasso, que decora la pared, ha sido
completamente cubierta por un enorme paño azul.
autoridades de las Naciones Unidas han decidido que ése no es el acompañamiento
más adecuado para la proclamación de una nueva carnicería.
Guernica. Espejos: Una historia casi universal. Eduardo Galeano.
Paris, spring of 1937: Pablo Picasso wakes up and reads.
He reads the newspaper while having breakfast in his studio.
His coffee grows cold in the cup.
German planes have razed the city of Guernica. For three hours the Nazi air force chased and machine-gunned people fleeing the burning city.
General Franco insists that Guernica has been set aflame by Asturian dynamiters and Basque pyromaniacs from the ranks of the Communists.
Two years later in Madrid, Wolfram von Richthofen, commander of the German forces in Spain, sits beside Franco at the victory parade: killing Spaniards was Hitler’s rehearsal for his impending world war.
Many years later in New York, Colin Powell makes a speech at the United Nations to announce the imminent annihilation of Iraq.
While he speaks, the back of the room is hidden from view, Guernica is hidden from view. The reproduction of Picasso’s painting, which hangs there, is concealed behind an enormous blue cloth.
UN officials decided it was not the most appropriate backdrop for the proclamation of a new round of butchery.
He reads the newspaper while having breakfast in his studio.
His coffee grows cold in the cup.
German planes have razed the city of Guernica. For three hours the Nazi air force chased and machine-gunned people fleeing the burning city.
General Franco insists that Guernica has been set aflame by Asturian dynamiters and Basque pyromaniacs from the ranks of the Communists.
Two years later in Madrid, Wolfram von Richthofen, commander of the German forces in Spain, sits beside Franco at the victory parade: killing Spaniards was Hitler’s rehearsal for his impending world war.
Many years later in New York, Colin Powell makes a speech at the United Nations to announce the imminent annihilation of Iraq.
While he speaks, the back of the room is hidden from view, Guernica is hidden from view. The reproduction of Picasso’s painting, which hangs there, is concealed behind an enormous blue cloth.
UN officials decided it was not the most appropriate backdrop for the proclamation of a new round of butchery.
Eduardo Galeano, from Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone.
Guernica, Pablo Picasso. |
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