miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Farm Security Administration #2: Dorothea Lange

Esposa de un minero de Tennessee lavando. Familia numerosa, 7 hijos. Noviembre de 1936 Sacramento CA

1937 CA. Car (with furniture, tire, and trunk perched on it) belonging to Texas refugees (migrant workers) seeking work in the carrot fields of the Coachella Valley

Julio de 1936, Arkansas.

1937 California. A migratory worker's home on the edge of a pea field.

Agosto de1939 Washington "9 en la familia, han vivido en la ruta por 3 años" 

A grandmother from Oklahoma. She works in the California pea fields. Calipatria, California.

August 1936. Migrant cotton pickers at lunchtime. Near Robstown, Texas.

August 1939. Marion County, Oregon, near West Stayton. Children in large private bean pickers' camp. The pickers came from many states, from Oklahoma to North Dakota

August 1939. Western Washington, Grays Harbor County, north of Elma. Hand irrigation on small rented subsistence farm. Family have been on place for one year

Camperial Vally 1937 Migrant father cradling his baby outside shanty

Children of turpentine worker near Cordele, Alabama. The father earns one dollar a day.

Coldwater District north of Dalhart, Texas. This house is occupied; most of the houses here have been abandoned.

Cotton worker in Sunday clothes. Near Blytheville, Arkansas.

Daughter of migrant Tennessee coal miner. Living in the American River Camp near Sacramento, California.

Destitute pea pickers living in tent in migrant camp. Mother of seven children. Age thirty-two. Nipomo, California. February 1936.

Drought farmers line the shady side of the main street on the town while their crops burn up in the fields.

Father crippled with rheumatism. When well he works in a chair making factory. Orange County, North Carolina.

February 1936. Once a Missouri farmer, now a migratory farm laborer on the Pacific Coast, California

Fifty-seven year old sharecropper woman. Hinds County, Mississippi. Thin dimes around the ankles to prevent headaches.

Four families, three of them related, with fifteen children, from the Dust Bowl in Texas, at impromptu overnight road camp. Calipatri 1937

Granville County, North Carolina.

Homes belonging to Okies, dust bowl refugees CA 1936

In a carrot pickers' camp, Imperial Valley, California. Woman from Broken Bow, Oklahoma. Are you going to take my picture, wait till I get my hair combed.

Itinerant men, Aka. Hoboes, waiting w. their bindles to illegally hop aboard a freight train Calipatria CA 1939

July 1936. Harvesting oats. Clayton, Indiana, south of Indianapolis

July 1936. Washington, Pennsylvania. Old age

July 1939. Caroline Atwater standing in the kitchen door of her log house. Orange County, North Carolina.

July 1939. Daughter of white tobacco sharecropper at country store. Person County, North Carolina

July 1939. Gordonton, N.C. Country store on dirt road. Sunday afternoon

July 1939. Negro tenant farmer reading paper on a hot Saturday afternoon. Note vegetable garden across footpath. Chatham County, North Carolina

July 1939. Orange County, North Carolina. Caroline Atwater, wife of Negro landholder

July 1939. Shoofly, North Carolina. Tobacco field in early morning where white sharecropper and wage laborer are priming tobacco

June 1936. Background photo for Hightstown project Play street for children Sixth Street and Avenue C NYC

June 1938. Caddo, Oklahoma. Migrants leave the small towns as well as the farms of the southwest. This region is a source of many emigrants to the Pacific Coast

Just arrived from Kansas. On highway going to potato harvest. Near Merrill,Klamath County,Oregon.

Lighthearted kids in Merrill FSA (Farm Security Administration) camp, Klamath County, Oregon.

Little girl, daughter of fruit tramps outside tent she shares with her parents and four siblings. CA 1936

Merrill, Klamath County, Oregon.

Migrant child in Shafter camp, Farm Security Administration. California.

Mississippi Delta Negro children.

Mother and baby of family on the road. Tulelake, Siskiyou County, California.

Muscella, Georgia. Peach pickers.

Napa Valley California December 1938

Negro child. Hill House, Mississippi.

November 1936. American River camp, Sacramento, California. Destitute family. Five children, aged two to seventeen years

November 1936. Drought refugee from Polk, Missouri. Awaiting the opening of orange picking season at Porterville, California.

Octubre de 1939 Sra. Sam Cates esposa de un granjero. Condado Malheur, Oregon.

October 1935. Marysville, California. Agricultural worker in migrant camp figuring his year's earnings

October 1939. Crossroads off the highway in a cut-over area. Boundary County, Idaho.

October 1939. The Fairbanks family has moved to three different places on the project in one year. Willow Creek area, Malheur County, Oregon

October 1939. Western Pacific tracks through the unclaimed desert of northern Oregon, 10 miles from the railroad station at Irrigon

On main street of Williamette Valley town. Independence, Polk County, Oregon.

Rainy day in camp of migrant pea pickers. Nipomo 1937

Rural shacktown, near Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Suppertime at camp for Oklahoma family of potato harvesters, who follow crops from California to Washington during the Depression. 35 Kern CA

Ten year old son of tobacco sharecropper can do a hand's work at tobacco harvest time. Granville County, North Carolina

The Arnold children and mother on their newly fenced and newly cleared land. Note strawberry plants. Western Washington, Thurston County, Michigan Hill.

Víctimas de la  tormenta de polvo, California, febrero de 1936

Young migrant mother has just finished washing. Merrill FSA (Farm Security Administration) camp, Klamath County, Oregon.

Young sharecropper and his first child. Hillside Farm. Person County, North Carolina.

Agosto de 1936

Agosto de 1936

Agosto de 1936, gente viviendo en una miserable pobreza, Elm Grove Oklahoma, Oklahoma Hoovervilles

Agosto de 1939, Yakima Valley

California 1935

California 1936 Home of Rural Rehabilitation client, Tulare County.

Marzo de 1937. Auto de Oakie cargado y parado en la desolada carretera del desierto del sur de California.

Cerca de Ontario, Malheur, Condado Oregon

Agosto de 1936. "Familia entre Dallas y Austin. Las personas han dejado sus casas y las conexiones en el sur de Texas y esperan llegar al Delta de Arkansas para trabajar en los campos de algodón. Personas sin un centavo. No hay comida y solo tres galones de gas en el tanque. El padre está tratando de reparar un neumático. Tres niños. El padre dice, 'es difícil pero difícil es la vida'

Agosto de 1939. Buena, un pequeño pueblo.

Julio de 1937. Trabajador de 13 años, Georgia.

Julio de 1936, Arkansas

Junio de 1935 En algún lugar de California niños migrantes sin mamá, ellos trabajan en los campos de algodón.

Junio de 1937. Esposa y bebé de un conductor de tractores. Aldridge Plantation, Mississippi.

Leland, Mississippi 1937

Noviembre de 1936. Niños de Oklahoma en un refugio en California

October 1939. Baby from Mississippi in truck at the Farm Security Administration camp at Merrill, Oregon

Santa María CA 1936. Migratory farmers (pea pickers) changing their flat tire along route US 101.

Trabajador afeitándose en su casa rodante, 1937. California.

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